Internal Task Portal


Javascript Practice Projects
Note: We have used VanillaJS for building all the projects given below,
"VanillaJS is nothing else, but the use of plain JavaScript without any additional Libraries or Frameworks."
Following projects are for your practice purposes only, you DO NOT need to necessarily complete or submit them, so there is No Deadline.
01. Form Validator Intro Project
  1. Project’s Intro
  2. Project’s HTML
  3. Project’s CSS
  4. Adding simple Validation
  5. Check Required and Refactor
  6. Check Length Email & Password Match
02. Movie Seat Booking DOM & Local Storage
03. Custom Video Player HTML5 Video API
04. Exchange Rate Calculator Fetch & JSON Intro
05. DOM Array Methods forEach, map, filter, sort, reduce
06. Menu Slider & Modal DOM & CSS
07. Hangman Game DOM, SVG, Events
08. Meal Finder Fetch & MealDB API
09. Expense Tracker Array Methods & Local Storage
10. Music Player HTML5 Audio API
11. Infinite Scroll Posts Fetch, AsyncAwait, CSS Loader
12. Typing Game DOM, Intervals, Events
13. Speech Text Reader Speech Synthesis
14. Memory Cards CSS Effects, Local Storage
15. Lyrics Search App Fetch, Pagination, API
16. Relaxer App CSS Animations, setTimeout
17. Breakout Game HTML5 Canvas API
18. New Year Countdown DOM, Date & Time
19. Sortable List Drag & Drop API
20. Speak Number Guessing Game Speech Recognition
Use this form to clear your doubts and project submission.
💡if confuse, write the date which is mentioned on top-right coner of your offer letter.
Important: kindly put the correct module number☝🏻 whose project you are going to submit; else your candidature might be cancelled.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
👉🏼 Upload the completed Project/Assignment of the this (current) module and make sure to select the same number in above dropdown and your email id is correct, this ensures that you receive your next module without any hurdle.